Bodegas El Grifo

Address:  Lugar El Grifo

Carretera Teguise-Uga, LZ-30, Km.11.

35550 – San Bartolomé

Phone: 928 524 036

Fax: 928 832 634



Founded : 1775 – Registered: 17/02/1994

Brand:   El Grifo, Chimidas y Ana

Type:   Bottling company

The oldest winery in the Canary Islands and among the 10 oldest in Spain, founded in 1775 after the volcano eruptions, it is in the Geria protected area.

Over 60,000 people visit its Wine Museum (old winery) and its 200-year-old vines that ripen on the stony hillside.

Fire, wind, and rock create extreme conditions where wines with exceptional character and personality are born.  They offer daily guided tours and will send wine home for you.

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